Now the runt and I decided (probs for the best) that a 2 man effort would be a big fat mess like before, so I was recruited by the lovely reception girls who were doing Run DMC and needed an 8th person to do the robot. Im actually impressed that it was really really good and we all dressed up like chavs (photographic evidence) and had a dance off involving pirrouettes (is that right...?!) and a bit of girlish breakdancing! The restaurant did ghostbusters which involved lots of ghosts and the restaurant manager dressing up as the marshmallow man which was a blinder. It was pillows a plenty. The chefs did a nice (and somewhat ridiculously well prepared) version of Queen's 'Dont stop me now', complete with Freddie Mercury and killer moustache. The winners from last time, the nannies, did a sister act job which was good but by far the best was waterfront, who are usually too drunk to put one foot in front of the other. They did some song which is supposedly from Coyote Ugly called 'devils came down from Georgia' where we had all the girls dressed as angels and all the boys in red body paint and boardies as the devils. It was SO good, err except they broke one of the tennis racquets that they were using as a violin, in half at the end. The runt will NOT be pleased! Ha! That explains why some of the lads are looking decidedly 'hot' in the snaps! PGL (Swansea legend) looks a bit queasy in this one! All I know is that I was woken up by Tom and PGL waterfront at 7 this morning when they were having a big and necessarily loud debate about the trouble with getting red body paint off.
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